cs50 week 2: review

4 minute read

Another week of CS50 and another classic computer science problem solved. This time, the Caesar cipher: how to encrypt your top secret military messages by shifting each letter x times up/down the alphabet so the germanic hordes can’t tell what you’re up to, even if they could read.

I didn’t find this too mentally taxing once I’d grokked the use of the modulo (%) operator, but it took me a while to get there. My own rudimentary pen-and-paper based tests of expected vs actual behaviour were also eye-opening. It definitely helped to get the pen and paper out and do a mini-whiteboarding session with myself when I realised I was just hitting compile and hoping for the best.

This passed with 11/11 for working code and 1.0 for style on the second attempt. I had to Google the maths for using the modulo operator to iterate through key_length whilst also iterating through argv[1]. Key lessons were:

  • As well as the loop within a loop, the maths of the modulo operator was the hardest part for me. This course is making me think of going for A-Level Maths as an extra curricular thing, bandwidth dependent.
  • Writing the expected variable values for each loop iteration on a piece of paper and then checking them using the CS50 IDE’s debugging tool really, really helped. If only I’d done this before submitting the first attempt!
  • Same for testing. I tested with abc as the key and HELLO as the plaintext, as in the pset’s problem description. I got this working and thought ‘hey presto’. It was only after doing submit50 (check50 is not available for this pset) that I discovered my code didn’t work for all other user inputs! Lesson from this was to plan and test extreme cases of user input thoroughly before submission.

Overrall a really interesting, intellectually challenging pset that has got me thinking about loops, arrays and functions in a different way.

How I did it (eventually)

CS50 helpfully guides you through the steps of writing the parts of the code.

Validate user input

I didn’t find the validation of user input that challenging once I had the realisation (/remembered David’s lecture…) that argv[1][i] is a character ([i]) within a string (argv[1]) within an array (argv). This builds on the validate user input part of mario.c.

Error messages

I had the idea to define a global error message. In the lecture material David underlines the importance of not copying and pasting code, so if there were more than one reason for a USAGE_ERROR I could use the variable. Other error messages could be included here. Capitalised because it’s a global variable.

Rotate plaintext by k to get ciphertext

Here’s where it got complicated for me. I think of myself as a numerative person, but this again tied me up in knots. The main sticking points were:

  1. How to repeatedly work through the length of key for each character in argv[1]??? I worked through several versions of the final code below:
 // Rotate plaintext by k to get ciphertext;
        int plaintext_length = strlen(plaintext);

        string ciphertext = plaintext;

        for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < plaintext_length; i++)
            int k = shift(argv[1][j]);

            // If character is uppercase
            if (ciphertext[i] >= 65 && ciphertext[i] <= 90)
                ciphertext[i] = (ciphertext[i] - 65 + k) % 26 + 65;
                j = (j + 1) % key_length; // This has to be inside the 'if' statement so that it does not operate for non-alpha characters

            // If character is lowercase
            if (ciphertext[i] >= 97 && ciphertext[i] <= 122)
                ciphertext[i] = (ciphertext[i] - 97 + k) % 26 + 97;
                j = (j + 1) % key_length;

It felt like I just couldn’t get it right. I could iterate through key once OK, but getting that to go back to the first character just wouldn’t work.

I played with having j++ in the ‘execute after’ section of the for() line after i++. I tried to do two for loops: one outer for iterating through ciphertext, another for iterating through key. I played around a bit with mixing in while loops, didn’t work.

Debugging… properly

Remembering my lesson to myself from a previous pset, I abandoned the old trial and error approach. I knew what I wanted to get from my code, so I mapped out expected behaviour using pen and paper:

Any old scrap paper will do!

Using the test plaintext and key from the CS50 marking scheme (Which you only get to see after your first submission), I then used the CS50 IDE debugger to iterate through my loop and work out where the values of i and k were becoming what I didn’t want them to be:

Iterating through a loop and watching the variables change, until they do something you don't want them to do!

Using Wolfram Alpha to plug actual numbers in to a formula with the modulo operator helped me work out what I expected to see.

With a bit of fiddling (and Googling the mathematics behind the modulo operator, thanks go to Khan Academy on that one), I’d got it sort-of working.

A final tweak of putting j = (j + 1) % key_length; inside the if statements so that the key shift only advanced for alaphabetic characters (i.e. not spaces or symbols) and the job was done.

Here’s what I learned

Here’s what I’m taking away from this problem:

  • Methodologically debugging by mapping expected behaviour to actual behaviour and using a proper debugger == substantially better than bone headed trial and error.
  • Proper testing to make sure the code works for all possible user inputs before submission is essential.
  • Watch the CS50 shorts! They’re actually full of new material and insights that David doesn’t include in the main lectures.

Thanks for reading!

Viginere solution

Caesar solution:

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